FilaJet 1ltr. Protection for unpolished porcelain stoneware and rustic single -fired ceramics. Protects floors in natural and rusticated porcelain stoneware and single -fired tiles with a rustic surface, and gives them greater resistance to dirt.
Filajet protects and revives unpolished porcelain stoneware surfaces, particularily if rusticated or old and worn, and single-fired tile with a rsutic surface. It may also be used as a finishing product for protecting floors in terracotta, natural stone and 'unpolished' cast natural stone. Do not use Filajet on outside surfaces.
For protecting porcelain stoneware:
Lay a coat of the product undiluted with a cloth. Wait until completely dry, then, if required, lay a second coat in the opposite direction to the first. Wait until the floor is completely dry before using. Polishing is not necessary.
For finishing terracotta and stone:
Lay the product undiluted with a soft cloth and wait until completely dry. Polishing is not necessary.
Warning: do not walk on the floor while it is drying and do not wipe treated areas that are not yet dry. Store at room temperature.
Coverage: From 2 to 5 litres for 100m2 for each coat, depending on the absorbancy of the floor.
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